Loreana Sofia | A Fitness, Nutrition and Wellness Brand

Tips On How To Drink More Water… Because You Probably Aren’t Drinking Enough

Do you need tips on how to drink more water? Or do you just need another person reminding you to drink more water? Well this is a reminder: drink more water. 

We all know that we are supposed to drink more water. It isn’t a secret anymore. Mate, everyone and their mothers know that we are supposed to drink more water.

However, if you’re anything like me, you’ve tried to consistently drink 2.5 litres of water per day… and failed.

 For something as mundane as drinking water… it’s HARD. No amount of reminders on our phones make it any easier and lugging massive water bottles around with us gets… annoying. 

So here are the two tricks that have helped me hit that 2.5 liters per day (well, almost every day). 

This post is all about how to drink more water. 

How To Drink More Water

In case you needed a little convincing as to why you should be drinking more water… grow up.

And if you don’t like water? Mate, grow up. 

Let’s go over the benefits of drinking more water, shall we? 

  • Boosts skin health and beauty 
  • Allows for higher energy levels and brain function 
  • Helps in all things fat-loss 
  • Normalizes blood pressure 
  • Protects organs and tissues 
  • Regulates body temperature 
  • Prevents and treats headaches 

So let me put you on two TINY tricks that have MASSIVELY helped me in reaching 2.5 litres of water daily. 

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Train hard. Eat well. Build your body one day at a time.

Train hard. Eat well. 
Build your body one day at a time.

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1-to-1 coaching. A sustainable nutrition plan. A lifetime of knowledge. 

1. Buy BIG glasses of water

Out of sight, out of mind, right? Well, we want to do the opposite. We want it right smack in front of our faces.

Buy glasses that can contain 500ml of water. These 17oz glasses should do the trick.

Keep one by your bedside table, or on the kitchen counter, or wherever you’re most likely to see it most frequently (feel free to put multiple across your home). Already, you’ll be constantly reminded to drink.

Most importantly, every breakfast, lunch and dinner, fill the glass up completely and don’t get up until you drank the whole thing. Just by doing that, you already drank 1.5 litters of water. You’re welcome.

As soon as you’re done doing the dishes, put the glass back on the table so you won’t forget it for the next time.


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1. Use straws (!!!)

I don’t know what it is about straws, but whenever I use one, I drink exponentially more. I’m guessing it’s about the easy access (i.e. not having to drop what you’re doing, actually grab a glass in your hands and bring it to your mouth).

I use either straws to put in the glasses around my house, or water bottles with built-in straws. (Yes, I do actually have glasses all over my house with straws in them, this isn’t a joke.) 

For example, when you’re in front of your computer, literally place the glass with the straw between you and the keyboard, and just… sip. TRUST ME you’ll be drinking so much more. 

Now don’t come at me for this. I DO use straws, but the reusable metal straws. As for the water bottle, I’m 100% loyal to the HydraFlow water bottles. I am not getting any money from these links so take my word that both these tips actually work wonders.

Hope this helped! This post was all about how to drink more water. 

xx LS

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