Loreana Sofia | A Fitness, Nutrition and Wellness Brand

Workout Lifestyle | My Top 13 Amazon Essentials

These are my top Amazon Essentials that help me keep up with my workout lifestyle. I use these daily!

workout lifestyle

Whether you’re a 9-to-5er, a work-from-homeer, or a student, the following gym essentials will be useful to you. 

They’re ubiquitous enough for you to be able to find them anywhere, and they definitely won’t break the bank. You probably have most of them right now!

I’ve linked my faves anyways. So if ever you are struggling to find them, they are one click away. 

Remember that being able to rely on these things will make keeping a good workout lifestyle way easier. It’s the little things that help! Make sure to add other things that you find super helpful to your workout lifestyle! 

BTW, you can click on the pics and it’ll bring you straight to the Amazon links (I’m making 0 commission on any of these). 

This blog post is all about the tips and tricks to help your workout lifestyle! 


1. Water bottle

Need I even say more about this? Almost every single one of my blog posts refers to water and how you should just drink your water.

I personally like big bottles with straws, as I find that they encourage me to drink more. 😄

The one I’ve linked below is the exact one I use: the 40oz water bottle! I found it randomly in a Winners one day, and I’m so angry at myself that I didn’t buy more than just one. The straw can also be removed and the bottle can be used as a regular sip bottle.

Disclaimer: the HydroFlow 40oz bottles aren’t always on Amazon (I actually have my notifications on for when they are restocked). So if the link says that there are some available, get your hands on these bad boys!

2. Hair Mascara for Flyaways

If your hair is anything like mine, you always (and I mean ALWAYS) have these pesky little flyaways. And if your body temperature rises and you sweat, you look like you’ve been electrocuted.

It’s probably in my head, but I think it looks so bad and I’m really self-conscious about it.

So my solution is this Hair Mascara for Flyaways. Small, fits in your makeup bag, is super useful and actually works.

The one I’ve linked below has the wand (the mascara-looking one) and the stick. I find them both useful. I just keep one in my sports bag and one at home!

3. Hair Ties E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E.

I cannot insist enough on the fact that my hair is always tied up. I mean, always. I think that the only times that my hair is loose is when I need to dress up, and even that isn’t a guarantee.

I buy these 80 Satin Scrunchies. I have them literally in every single bag that I use, and you’ll find them lying around my house as well.

They don’t tug uncomfortably at your hair and are also easy to take off when your hair is sweaty from a workout. These Satin Scrunchies are even suitable for your hair’s health and can be used to sleep in.

I genuinely cannot insist enough on how much I use these.

4. Non-Stim Pre-workout

Let’s not lie to each other: we don’t feel like going to the gym every time we’re supposed to. Sometimes, we just wanna stay in bed.

Well, I use The Pump by MyProtein in such cases. I don’t like relying on pre-workouts in general (but that’s a conversation for another time). However, when I do need a jump-start, I use non-stimulant pre-workouts (aka no added caffeine).

It’s also great for people who don’t deal well with caffeine but still need some sort of energy boost!

I use it a couple of times a month. Since I don’t use it all the time, it does the job whenever I need it 😄

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Train hard. Eat well. Build your body one day at a time.

Train hard. Eat well. 
Build your body one day at a time.

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1-to-1 coaching. A sustainable nutrition plan. A lifetime of knowledge. 

5. Oversized T-Shirts

You will catch me dead before seeing me working out in a sports bra and mini shorts. Absolutely 0 hate for the girlies that do, but I just feel super uncomfortable.

Myself, I’m more of an oversized T-Shirt gal.

So, here are a few of the shirts I’ve bought from Amazon that I’ve also used at the gym and would strongly recommend!

Also, if you’re shopping around, avoid graphic tees with one big drawing on the front (like this one). More often than not, it literally is a big sticker which they iron on the top. It looks funny because it’s really stiff when you wear it.

6. Versatile Backpack

I am very much used to going to the gym in the middle of the day. And I hate carrying a million bags.

So I make sure to have a backpack that is good enough both for the city and for the gym. To me, this means a backpack that has many pockets, a place for my laptop, and a slip for my water bottle.

And obvs good-looking. So the latest bag I bought is this Levi’s Pack 2.0 Backpack.

I never go for bags that you hang off one shoulder because my bags tend to be pretty heavy. I had one bag like that and at the end of the day, my back and neck would hurt so much! 

7. Body Wipes + Deodorant

It happens to the best of us… we forget to put deodorant, we sweat, and we smell.

So, I just make sure to keep body wipes and deodorant in my bag for those scenarios. After all, we don’t wanna be that person at the gym that smells really bad…

Any deodorant will do. I tend to keep spray deodorants in my sports bag. I hate sweating and using a bar deodorant if I need to freshen up…

As for body wipes, make sure to buy antibacterial ones. The bacteria make you smell bad, so you want to get rid of them. These are the ones that I get!

8. Step Counter

Consistently reaching for a certain amount of steps is a good way of keeping yourself moving. It’s part of everyone’s workout lifestyle!

So whether you use Apple Watches or FitBits, make sure to have a step counter of some kind. Most phones already have that feature included, but you can imagine how having a watch is always more reliable.

I use an Apple Watch. However, some of my friends have this Step Counter from Amazon, and it works just as well (we’ve tested it!). Plus, it’s only a fraction of the price of the Apple Watch.

workout lifestyle routine

9. Creatine

I’m not very big into supplements. Long story short, I believe that our fitness and nutrition should be balanced and healthy enough for us to not need any sort of supplement.

However, the only supplement that I use consistently is creatine. Take a look at this article, where I cover in a little more detail the supplements in which I see benefits. I obviously cover creatine!

My go-to brand for supplements (except for the non-stim pre workout) is Thorne. Without going into too much detail: fantastic brand with amazing and clean ingredients! So needless to say that it’s Throne’s Creatine that I use.

10. Workout Planner

Shameless plug… but here is my workout planner.

I wouldn’t add it here if I didn’t actually use it.

Especially if you’re just starting (and even if you’re a pro!), having a laid-out plan for what you’re going to do that day at the gym is very valuable.

So below you’ll find my workout planner… and you can find here all the other free printable available to you!


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Watch how your performance, physique and goals improve just by the simple task of using a Workout Planner. Fill out the form below and have the Workout Planner delivered straight to your inbox! 

11. Antibacterial Washing Detergent

I’ve mentioned antibacterial body wipes for emergency scenarios… but make sure to properly clean all those sweaty clothing!

Use a good-quality antibacterial washing detergent, that you pop into your washing machine just as you would a regular detergent (but not instead of it!).

I am a lifelong user of this Lysol Antibacterial Detergent. It’s worked for me and for my family without fail. I would recommend it to absolutely everyone!

12. Jumpman Socks

Very weird, and absolutely only in my head… but I have socks that I EXCLUSIVELY use in the gym. I don’t use any other socks in the gym, and those socks are never used outside the gym.

It’s these Nike Jordan Jumpman Crew socks. Only these. Not any other brand, not any other height. These socks only.

I was about 15 years old when I first bought these socks for the gym. 10 years later, and I still only use those socks at the gym.

13. Straps

I’ve gone a really long time without a lifting belt. Actually, I first bought one about 4 years after I started workout out and used it a handful of times… and then never again.

However, what I DO use are these GymReapers Lifting Straps. Especially on upper body day, or when I’m doing deadlifts.

Lifting straps help compensate for poorer grip strength. Though I am working on my grip strength, I definitely see value on using them when you’re trying to push yourself!

There you go guys! Those were my top gym essentials to keep in in track for your workout lifestyle. 

Hope they’ve helped! This blog post was all about how to help your workout lifestyle.

xx LS

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