Loreana Sofia | A Fitness, Nutrition and Wellness Brand

12 Examples of Fitness SMART Goals That Have Nothing To Do With How You Look

In a world focused far too much on how you look, here are some examples of fitness SMART goals that have nothing to do with your appearance. Because the is so much more to you than how you look. 

example of fitness smart goals

Setting yourself attainable goals are an amazing way of keeping you motivated. 

But have you ever fallen into the trap of setting over-the-top and unrealistic goals for myself (Run 2 hours every day)? Or maybe vague goals (Lose weight)? 

These type of goals generally leave you feeling bad because you can’t achieve them.

Enter SMART goals. 

This blog post is all about examples of fitness SMART goals that have nothing to do with the way you look. 


You might be asking yourself: what are SMART goals? Well, it’s simple really.

SMART goals follow these 5 characteristics:

  • Specific: What needs to be accomplished? What are the steps?
  • Measurable: What are the quantifiable and trackable benchmarks? When is the goal considered accomplished?
  • Achievable: Is the goal something you can reasonably accomplish?
  • Relevant: Why are you setting the goal you are setting? Is it in line with everything else going on?
  • Time-Bound: What is the time-related parameter?

In the fitness industry, the most common non-SMART goal is: “I want to lose weight”. How much? Starting when? How much time will you invest in this?

Most importantly: When will you be satisfied?

smart goal

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Example 1: Show up to the gym

Show up to the gym and exercise for at least 15 minutes. Do this 3 times a week for the next 3 calendar months. I am doing this because I want to start getting used to being in the gym, and 3 times a week can easily be worked into my schedule

This SMART goal is about simply showing up to the gym. Believe me, setting the expectation of simply showing up can go an extremely long way. 

This is a great goal for those who have either lost motivation to workout or who are new to the gym. 

The underlined section can be changed according to what fits best for you! 

Example 2: Set a weight-lifting PR

I currently lift 40kgs on bench press with proper form and ROM, but I want to lift heavier. I will practice my bench press twice a week until I am able to lift 45kgs. If I do not achieve this within 10 weeks, I will re-evaluate my goal.

A very popular goal is to lift heavier. 

But the thing with lifting heavier is that you never really know what the progress will look like. Especially if you’re just starting, you don’t know if the goal is too easy, or too hard. Will you plateau? Will you get injured? 

Lots and lots of variables when it comes to this goal. 

Example 3: Improve cardiovascular health

I want to be able to run 10km in 70 minute, which is a speed of 8.6 km/hr. I currently takes me 80 minuted, a speed of 7.5 km/hr. I want to achieve this in time for my race 25 weeks. Every 2 weeks, I will increase my speed by 0.1km/hr until I reach 8.6km/hr. The last 3 weeks will be kept at a speed of 8.6km/hr. 

This is a great template for anyone wanting to improve cardiovascular health. Indeed, cardio goals are incredibly flexible and can be adapted for any person, at any level. 

Here are things you can play with when setting cardio goals:

  • Running speed
  • Running distance 
  • Running terrain 

Nutrition Coaching

Train hard. Eat well. Build your body one day at a time.

Train hard. Eat well. 
Build your body one day at a time.

1-to-1 coaching. A sustainable nutrition plan. A lifetime of knowledge. 

nutrition coaching

1-to-1 coaching. A sustainable nutrition plan. A lifetime of knowledge. 

Example 4: Improve daily step count

For the summer time (and until the weather is nice enough), walk to any location within a 2km distance so I can reach my daily step goal. 

A short and sweet one, but one that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY.

There are a million ways out there that tell you how to get more steps in… but they aren’t always effective. I always struggled to reach my goal even as someone who walks a LOT. 

So this example of fitness SMART goal helped me tremendously. 

Example 5: Learn a complex movement

I want to learn how to do Turkish get-ups. After every workout, I will dedicate 15 minutes to repeat the movement until I feel confident with my form, increasing the weight progressively. I will consider this accomplished when I can use a 10kg weight

I’m inserting this one here because learning complex movements reignited my flame for the gym in a time when NO ONE could drag me to the gym. 

And what got me back to the gym was telling myself I want to learn the Turkish get-up. 

Replace “Turkish get-up” with whatever it is you want to learn. 

Example 6: Improve mobility and flexibility

Every Wednesday and Sunday for the next 3 months, I will follow a 20-minute stretching and mobility Youtube video. I started kickboxing and I know that being more flexible will help me a great  deal. 


So do it. Set yourself a SMART goal similar to the one above and get it done. 


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Example 7: Find a gym buddy

At least once a week, I will strike up a conversation with someone at the gym. I will do this until I find someone who becomes my gym buddy! 

This one is scary as hell. Especially if you are shy. But having  a gym buddy is such a helpful way to keep you motivated and in check. 

Challenging yourself to this SMART goal will help you develop in so many more ways than just the gym. You’re putting yourself out there, doing something that might be outside of your comfort zone. 

This can only be beneficial. 

Example 8: Discover a new gym machine

Every 2 weeks, I will try out a new machine at the gym. I haven’t been going to the gym for a long time and I don’t know all the machines that are available. I will do this until I’ve tested out all the machines at the gym. 

Another one that I’ve personally used when I first started going to the gym. 

It was such a great way to find out what is available to me. Plus, I find that machines are more beginner-friendly because machines only move one way. 

Example 9: Improve abdominal strength

After my workouts, I will dedicate time to do 3 sets of 3 ab exercises. I will do this until I am capable of doing 50 hanging leg raises.

Another classic goal for any gym-goer is having more abs. 

I find that setting up an end goal when it comes to ab strength is a really good motivator. Plus, you find yourself trying to see if you reached your goal as much as you can. 


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Example 10: Increase daily step goal

I currently take 6,000 steps per day, but I want to reach 10,000. Every week for the next month, I’m going to increase my daily step count by 1,000. 

This type of incremental goal makes you wanna reach your end goal from the get-go. 

If you manage to do that, then the goal was too easy 😂 but don’t go overboard. Don’t set up a 30,000 step count just because you were able to reach 10,000 your first day. 

Achievable, ladies and gentlemen! 

Example 11: Improve range of motion

I don’t have enough depth in my squat. Once a week, I will practice my squats with 30% of the weight I normally use to focus on depth. I will do this until I reach the depth I want. 

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of proper range of motion. In fact, you shouldn’t move up weight unless you have proper range of motion. 

But in any case, if you want to improve your ROM, this fitness SMART goal is the way to go. 

This blog post was all about examples of fitness SMART goals 

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